- Fall 2020
EMNLP 2020 Tutorial on Interpreting Predictions of NLP Models with Eric Wallace and Matt Gardner.
NeurIPS 2020 Tutorial on Explaining Machine Learning Predictions: State-of-the-art, Challenges, and Opportunities with Himabindu Lakkaraju and Julius Adebayo.
- Summer 2020
Appeared on the TwiMLAI podcast to talk about Testing NLP models.
Organized the KDD 2020 Deep Learning Day with Zachary Lipton, Hanie Sedghi, and Yuxiao Dong.
Appeared on the NLP Highlights podcast to talk about Explanations for NLP models.
Received the Best Overall Paper Award for CheckList at ACL 2020! Congats to Marco, Tongshuang, and Carlos! Article in UCI News and UW News.
Article in VentureBeat on CheckList.
Select as one of the Best Paper Runners-Up Award at AKBC.
Honored to receive the Dean’s Mid-Career Excellance in Research Award.
Honored to receive the Hellman Fellowship! Article in UCI News.
Awarded an NSF EAGER SaTC-EDU grant at the intersection of adversarial machine learning, cybersecurity, and CS education.
Five papers at ACL 2020, on testing NLP models, sampling latent language models, interpretability of NMNs, intermediate annotations for QA, and sampling batches during training.
Paper presented at the JCDL 2020 Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP).
- Spring 2020
Two papers in ICLR 2020: on RL intepretability and neural-symbolic models for QA.
Paper on Deception detection in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
Paper on active learning at the CVPR Workshop on Visual Learning with Limited Labels (VL3).
Quoted in an article in Freethink.
Invited talk at Google Research.
- Winter 2020
Paper on vulnerabilities in LIME at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES).
Paper on Using Minecraft/Malmo to teach AI in the AAAI Symposium on Educational Aadvances in AI (EAAI).
Invited talk at the AAAI workshop on AI Safety (SafeAI).
Invited talk at the AAAI workshop on Reasoning over Complex QA.
Invited talk at the PSB Workshop on AI Ethics and Values in Biomedicine - Technical Challenges and Solutions.
Invited talk at the Re.Work Deep Learning Summit.
Talk at Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA).
Attended and presented at the Dagstuhl seminar on Software Engineering for Machine Learning.
Invited talk at NEC REsearch in Heidelberg, Germany.
Article in the Harvard Business Review on Dylans AIES paper.
- Fall 2019
Papers at NeurIPS workshops on PRML and ViGiL.
Awarded the NSF Computing Infrastructure grant as PI for overhauling the UCI ML Repository with Co-PIs [Padhraic Smyth] and Philip Papadoupolous.
Keynote talk at the PyData Los Angeles.
Invited talk at the FEVER 2.0 Workshop at EMNLP 2019 on Inducing Fake, and Real, Information from NLP Models.
AllenNLP Interpret received the Best Demo award at EMNLP 2019! Congrats to Eric, Sanjay, Junlin, Jens, and Matt! Article in UCI News.
Two papers (#1, #2) appearing at the Machine Reading and Question Answering (MRQA), with Best Research Paper to the former! Congrats Anthony, Matt, and Gabi!
Invited speaker at the 2019 SoCal NLP Symposium at USC on September 13.
Article on AllenNLP Interpret in InfoQ.
Organized the NeurIPS 2019 workshop on Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Meets Machine Learning (KR2ML).
Paper at the Mobicom Workshop on Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges workshop.
Invited talks at the UCI Cognitive Science Department Symposium and the UCI IMBS Symposium.
Gave a talk at IIT Delhi and Adobe Research.
- Summer 2019
Released the AllenNLP Interpret, also appearing as a demo at EMNLP 2019 and NeurIPS 2019.
3 papers (#1, #2, #3) accepted to EMNLP 2019.
Published a JAMIA paper on analyzing conversations.
Wrote an invited comment on the Semantic Based Adversarial Examples Fool Face Recognition in Synced Review.
3 papers (#1, #2, #3) accepted to ACL 2019.
Gave invited talk at the Los Alamos National Lab and CS colloquium at Pomona College.
- Spring 2019
UCI team, Zotbot, selected as a finalist (10 of 375 teams) for the 2019 Alexa Prize! Article on cnet
Presenting a tutorial on Adversarial Learning in NLP at NAACL 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Slides here: Part 1, Part 2
Invited talk at the ICLR Workshop on Debugging Machine Learning Models on May 6th.
NLP Seminar at Stanford University on May 2nd
Received the Dean's Honoree Award for Undergraduate Teaching at the Celebration of Teaching from the UCI Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI).
Received funding from the UCI CORCL and Base 11 Foundation.
- Winter 2019
4 papers (#1, #2, #3, #4) accepted to NAACL 2019.
Invited talk for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in London on black-box ML interpretability.
- November 2018
Two papers accepted to EMNLP 2018.
Research highlighted as part of the Crash Course in Statistics.
- October 2018
Gave the department colloquium at UC Riverside.
Panelist on Preparing for the Future at the UCI ICS 50 years celebration event.
- September 2018
Quoted in a Forbes article on Don't Trust Artificial Intelligence? Time To Open The AI 'Black Box'.
- August 2018
Two papers accepted to EMNLP 2018.
Invited talk at KAIST and at the ExoBrain meeting in South Korea.
- July 2018
Received the Honourable Mention for Best Paper award at ACL 2018 for automatically debugging NLP models using SEARs.
Gave an invited talk at the ACL 2018 workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering (MRQA).
Invited talk at the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2018 in Vancouver.
Invited talk at TTIC Workshop on Collaborative and Knowledge-backed Language Generation.
- June 2018
Awarded the ICS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for 2018.
- April 2018
Paper on automatically debugging NLP models accepted to ACL 2018 as a talk.
Gave an invited talk at the FICO World 2018 in Miami.
Organized SoCal NLP Symposium in Irvine, CA on April 6th with William Wang.
- February 2018
Gave a talk at Caltech as part of the IST Lunch.
Attended AAAI 2018 in New Orleans.
Presented a tutorial at WSDM 2018 in Los Angeles.
- January 2018
Two papers accepted to ICLR 2018.
Organized the 2nd UCI hosted National Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) in Irvine, CA.
- December 2017
Gave invited talks at the NIPS 2017 workshops on Learning with Limited Labeled Data (LLD) and Automated KB Construction (AKBC).
Students presented their research at NIPS Workshops on Machine Deception, Automated KB Construction (AKBC), and Women in Machine Learning (WiML).
Invited talk at the H2O World 2017.
- November 2017
Work on precise model-agnostic explanations accepted to AAAI 2018.
- October 2017
Won the Amazon Best Poster Award at the Southern California Machine Learning Symposium for work with Zhengli and Dheeru.
Journal paper accepted to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, work led by Yanbing Bai, a visitor to the group.
- September 2017
NLP highlights podcast featured our recent work on entity linking, interview with Nitish Gupta.
- August 2017
Spoke at the INSIDE UCI Summer Session for incoming freshmen.
- July 2017
Attended the Google Workshop on Natural Language Understanding in New York, NY.
Attended the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit on the Edge of AI in Seattle, WA.
Invited talk at the Orange County ACM Meeting in Irvine, CA.
Received funding from FICO for research on interpretable machine learning.
I was interviewed for CTV's `Your Morning', the national morning show in Canada.
- June 2017
Paper on neural entity-linking accepted at EMNLP 2017.
Invited talk at the PyData SoCal Meetup in Los Angeles, CA.
Interviewed for an article in Fast Company.
Invited talk at the Nutanix .NEXT Conference in Washington, DC.
- March 2017
Invited Talk at the USC ISI Natural Language Seminar in Los Angeles, CA.
Co-chaired the UCI Symposium on Machine Learning and Human Behavior with Matthew Harding.
Received the Adobe Research Data Science Faculty Award, Spring 2017.
Invited Talk at the Global Data Science Conference in Santa Clara, CA.
- February 2017
Gave a tutorial on Knowledge Graph Construction From Text at AAAI 2017 in San Francisco, CA.
- January 2017
Founded the UCI Chapter of the National Computational Linguistics Olympiad in Irvine, CA.
- December 2016
Talk at the Orange County Advanced Analytics Meetup in Newport Beach, CA.
- November 2016
Talk at the 2016 workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in ML in New York, NY.
Two papers accepted at the NIPS 2016 workshop Interpretable ML for Complex Systems.
- October 2016
Talk at the UCI Computer Science Department Seminar.
Talk at the Symposium on Recent Advances in Data Sciences in Irvine, CA.
- September 2016
Paper, in collaboration with UIUC, accepted at COLING 2016.
- August 2016
Attended KDD, received the Audience Appreciation Award for the best video summary of our paper.
Wrote a post on LIME on the O'Reilly blog.
- July 2016
Attended ICML, received the Best Paper Award for our paper at the WHI workshop.
- June 2016
Attended NAACL, to present a demo and organize AKBC.
Gave a talk at the UW AI Seminar.
- May 2016
Invited talk at University College London.
Invited talk at University of Edinburgh.
Invited talk at UC Los Angeles.
- April 2016
Invited talk at Cornell Tech.
Invited talk at Microsoft Research, New York.
Department Colloquium at UC Santa Barbara.
Invited talk at Google, Mountain View.
Department Colloquium at Cornell University.
Invited talk at University of Toronto.
- March 2016
Department colloquium at Tufts University.
Invited talk at TTI, Chicago.
Invited talk at Dartmouth College.
Invited talk at Georgia Tech.
Data Science Seminar at University of Rochester.
Invited talk at Purdue University.
- February 2016
Invited talk at Virginia Tech.
CS Colloquium talk at USC.
- 22-23 February 2016
Attended the CRA Career Mentoring Workshop, in Arlington, VA.
- 13 February 2016
Attended AAAI to organize DeLBP workshop, and present at the EAAI symposium.
- 27 January 2016
Invited talk at the University of Maryland.
- 26 January 2016
- 9 January 2016
My research will be driving patent search at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)!
- 9 December 2015
Attending NIPS, organizing the workshop on Machine Learning Systems.
- 7 November 2015
Paper on interactive teaching resources for AI accepted at the AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in AI (EAAI).
- 5 October 2015
Video for the Wolfe talk at Big Data Scala by the Bay is up!
- 9 September 2015
Invited as a DARPA Riser for the DARPA Wait, What? Event in St. Louis.
- 6 September 2015
Organizing the NIPS 2015 Workshop on Machine Learning Systems, on December 12 in Montreal.
- 20 August 2015
Organizing the AAAI 2016 Workshop on Declarative Learning-Based Programming, on Februrary 12-13 in Phoenix, AZ.
- 18 August 2015
Invited talk on Wolfe at the Big Data Scala By the Bay event in Oakland, CA.
- 25 June 2015
Awarded Grand Prize for our entry in the Yelp Dataset Challenge.
- 10 June 2015
Paper accepted at TACL, to be presented at ACL in Beijing, July 26-31, 2015.
- 1 June 2015
Attending NAACL in Denver to present conference, demo, and workshop papers.
- 9 May 2015
- 26 April 2015
Invited to the Dagstuhl Seminar on Probabilistic Programming.
- 23 March 2015
Presenting two papers at the AAAI Spring Symposium on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) at Stanford.
- 13 December 2014
- 11 December 2014
Invited talk at the Scala-Montreal meetup on Wolfe.
- 10 December 2014
Demo at NIPS 2014 in Montreal.
- 23 August 2014
Invited talk at the COLING AHA! Workshop on Information Discovery from Text in Dublin.
- 27 July 2014
Presented two papers at the AAAI StarAI workshop in Quebec City.
- 26 June 2014
Presented a paper at the ACL SemParsing workshop in Baltimore.
- 1 April 2014
Defended my disseratation successfully in Amherst.
- 10 December 2013
Presented paper at the NIPS Workshop on Resource Efficient Machine Learning in Lake Tahoe.
- 9 December 2013
Organized the NIPS Big Learning workshop in Lake Tahoe.
- 18-19 November 2013
Presented UMass system at the TAC KBP 2013 Workshop in Gaitherburg.
- 29 October 2013
Presented paper at the CIKM Conference in San Francisco.
- 27-28 October 2013
Organized the CIKM Workshop on Automated Knowledge-Base Construction (AKBC) in San Francisco, and presented three papers.