Last Modified: January 21, 2017
CS 295: Statistical NLP: Winter 2017
Homework 2: Language Modeling
Sameer Singh
One of the fundamental tasks for natural language processing is probabilistic modeling of language, i.e. how
can we differentiate between a random sequence of words, and something we might consider an english sentence.
Such language models are used in many applications, such as handwriting recognition, speech recognition, machine
translation, and text generation. In this second programming assignment, you will perform language modeling of
different kinds of text. The submissions are due by midnight on February 9, 2017.
1 Task: Language Modeling of Different Datasets
Your task is to analyze the similarities and differences in different domains using your language model.
1.1 Data
The data archive (available on Canvas) contains corpus from three different domains, with a train, test, dev, and
readme file for each of them. The domains are summarized below, but feel free to uncompress and examine the
files themselves for more details (will be quite helpful to perform your analysis).
Brown Corpus: Objective of the corpus is to be the standard corpus to represent the present-day (i.e. 1979)
edited american english. More details are available at
Gutenberg Corpus: This corpus contains selection of text from public domain works by authors including Jane
Austen and William Shakespeare (see readme file for the full list). More details about Project Gutenberg is
available at
Reuters Corpus: Collection of financial news articles that appeared on the Reuters newswire in 1987. The cor-
pus is hosted on the UCI ML repository at
1.2 Source Code
I have released some initial source code, available at
. The interface and a simple implementation of a language model is available in
, which you
can extend to implement your models. In
, I provide a generic sentence sampler for a language
model. The file
contains the main function, that reads in all the train, test, and dev files from the archive,
trains all the unigram models, and computes the perplexity of all the models on each other’s data. The README
file provides a little bit more detail. Of course, feel free to ignore the code if you do not find it useful.
2 What to Submit?
Prepare and submit a single write-up (
PDF, maximum 5 pages
) and relevant source code (compressed in a single
file; we will not be compiling or executing it, nor will we be evaluating the quality of the code) to
Canvas. The write-up and code should contain the following.
2.1 Implement a Language Model (20 points)
The primary task of the homework is to implement a non-trivial language model. You are free to pick the type
of the model, such as discriminative/neural or generative. If you decide to implement an n-gram language
model, it should at least use the previous two words, i.e. a trigram model (with appropriate filtering). Use
appropriate smoothing to ensure your language model outputs a non-zero and valid probability distribution
for out-of-vocabulary words as well. In order to make things efficient for evaluation and analysis, it might be
worthwhile to implement serialization of the model to disk, perhaps using pickle .
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CS 295: Statistical NLP Winter 2017
In the write up, define and describe the language model in detail (saying “trigram+laplace smoothing” is not
sufficient). Include any implementation details you think are important (for example, if you implemented your
own sampler, or an efficient smoothing strategy). Also describe what the hyper-parameters of your model are and
how you set them (you should use the dev split of the data if you are going to tune it).
2.2 Analysis on In-Domain Text (40 points)
Here, you will train a model for each of the domains, and anayze only on the text from their respective domains.
Empirical Evaluation: Compute the perplexity of the test set for each of the three domains (the provided
code would do this for you), and compare it to the unigram model. If it is easy to include a baseline version
of your model, for example leaving out some features or using only bigrams, please do so, but this is not
required. Provide further empirical analysis of the performance of your model, such as the performance as
hyper-parameters and/or amount of training data is varied, or implementing an additional metric.
Qualitative: Show examples of sampled sentences to highlight what your models represent for each domain.
It might be quite illustrative to start with the same prefix, and show the different sentences each of them
results in. You may also hand-select, or construct, sentences for each domain, and show how usage of certain
words/phrases is scored by all of your models (function
might be useful for this).
2.3 Analysis on Out-of-Domain Text (40 points)
In this part, you have to evaluate your models on text from a domain different from the one it was trained on. For
example, you will be analyzing how a model trained on the Brown corpus performs on the Gutenberg text.
Empirical Evaluation: Include the perplexity of all three of your models on all three domains (a 3
3 matrix,
as computed in
). Compare these to the unigram models, and your baselines if any, and discuss
the results (e.g. if unigram outperforms one of your models, why might that happen?). Include additional
graphs/plots/tables to support your analysis.
Qualitative Analysis: Provide an analysis of the above results. Why do you think certain models/domains
generalize better to other domains? What might it say about the language used in the domains and their
similarity? Provide graphs, tables, charts, examples, or other summary evidence to support any claims you
make (you can reuse the same tools as the qualitative analysis in § 2.2, or introduce new ones).
2.4 Extra Credit: Additional corpus (20 points)
Identify a corpus on your own that is substantially different from the included ones, and provide similar analysis
as above on this data. Upload this corpus to Canvas with your submission, and mention any license restrictions, if
any, in your write-up (I might want to use it for a future offering of the course). You will be allowed an additional
page to your report if you include such an analysis.
3 Statement of Collaboration
It is
to include a Statement of Collaboration in each submission, with respect to the guidelines below.
Include the names of everyone involved in the discussions (especially in-person ones), and what was discussed.
All students are required to follow the academic honesty guidelines posted on the course website. For
programming assignments, in particular, I encourage the students to organize (perhaps using Piazza) to discuss
the task descriptions, requirements, bugs in my code, and the relevant technical content before they start working
on it. However, you should not discuss the specific solutions, and, as a guiding principle, you are not allowed to
take anything written or drawn away from these discussions (i.e. no photographs of the blackboard, written notes,
referring to Piazza, etc.). Especially after you have started working on the assignment, try to restrict the discussion
to Piazza as much as possible, so that there is no doubt as to the extent of your collaboration.
Since we do not have a leaderboard for this assignment, you are free to discuss the numbers you are getting
with others, and again, I encourage you to use Piazza to post your results and comparing them with others.
This homework is adapted from one by Prof. Yejin Choi of the University of Washington. Thanks, Yejin!
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